StepSki Holidays

See StepSki site at for full details of trips available to the public. The New Year trip to Val d'Isere and the last of the snows trip to Tignes in April were excellent. As usual, the TVSC deal includes excellent instruction by Steve and his BASI instructors. 

This year, we all fitted into the Chalet Grand Ski in Tignes le Lac. It snowed all day Sunday and Monday - leaving about 18 inches of new snow. The rest of the week was hot and sunny. This resulted in excellent skiing but meant that by the Friday, the lower slopes were slushy. Your editor remained in Tignes for another week and can report that the snow around the Aeroski meeting area had all but disappeared by the end of the following week.  

Life in the chalet was poetic. Very soon, Neville's website will publish all the poems we wrote about each other - the printable ones at least.  As soon as I know the URL, I'll create a link.

Details about next year's deals usually come out around September. Note that yours truly did a recce on a fantastic new chalet in Tignes this year - if possible this will be used next year instead of the Chalet Grand Ski. 

‘JB Tours’ Holidays 

If you're interested in joining the party next year, call or email John:

John R Bailey, The Furze, Blake's Lane, Tadley. RG26 3PU   0118 981 3065