Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 27 June, 8.00pm

The Cross at Eversley

The 2007 AGM will be combined with an evening of skittling. Barbeque availablef rom 7:45 onwards. Meeting as close to 8.00 as we can make it. Skittling afterwards although feel free to have a few practice shots.

AGM Agenda

1.      Apologies

2.      Minutes of AGM 2006

3.      Matters arising

4.      Club Report and Accounts

5.      Donation of surplus annual income from 2006/7 season

6.      Motion: The committee members elected at the 2006 AGM willcontinue in office and makearrangements to close the Club with effect of 31 August 2007 or otherwise agreed date. Club funds will be donated to Disability Snowsports or otherwise as agreed by members present at the 2007 AGM. Proposer: Sheena Sharp, seconder: Roger Neill

7.      A.O.B